# Send Test Events

We provide the ability for you to send a test event through your workflow to test it before running it on real data.

We provide a default test event you can send to a workflow that helps you explore the features of the product. Click the Send Test Event button at the top of the Inspector to send this event to your workflow:

Send test event

The contents of this test event varies depending on the source.

When you're first learning how Pipedream works, you can trigger a workflow using this test event to learn how code, actions, destinations, and more.

Typically, though, you're processing events of a different shape in real workflow. Press the pencil icon to the right of the Sent Test Event button to modify the test event.

This will open a text editor next to the Inspector that lets you edit the test event for this workflow. You can add any valid JSON here and Save it. The next time you click the Send Test Event button, your new test event will be sent through your workflow.

Clicking the Default button in the Edit Test Event editor will revert your test event back to the original default. You'll have to Save this change, as well.

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